[App] Danny Giusa's tyre temperatures

Moderator: Friedel

Beiträge: 983
Registriert: 10.05.2007, 16:37
Wohnort: Ruhrpott

[App] Danny Giusa's tyre temperatures

Beitragvon Friedel » 10.03.2015, 13:48

http://www.racedepartment.com/downloads ... ures.3507/

Reifentemperaturanzeige; ist zwar auch in der Rivali OV1 Info App enthalten, aber ich zitiere mal den Macher zu dem Thema:

Not sure, but I think ov1info has a constant temp range independent from the tyre/car combo used. This app uses the optimal tyre temp range supplied by the devs for most built-in cars.

Muß halt jeder selbst schauen, welche Anzeige ihm besser gefällt.

wpe2rdv4.jpg (96.73 KiB) 14793 mal betrachtet
Beiträge: 983
Registriert: 10.05.2007, 16:37
Wohnort: Ruhrpott

Re: [App] Danny Giusa's tyre temperatures

Beitragvon Friedel » 05.04.2015, 11:45


Changes in 1.6.0:

Looks like there are no updates from KUNOS regarding the optimum temperature ranges of newly added tyres (the thread hasn't been updated since adding La Ferrari). I tried multiple times to beg for this information, but the devs do not seem to care.

Because of that, and because of the great spectrum of mod cars out there, I decided to make it possible to customize the optimum tyre temperature ranges by editing the tyre_temp.ini file. I hope the examples in this file are speaking for themselfs for the interested users.

If something goes wrong, please try to rename your tyre_temp.ini file before posting a bug report to see if the app works with the default settings.

Change Log:

fix formula abarth hard tyre typo
add ferrari_458_gt2 to GT2 class
make tyre temperature ranges customizable via .ini file editing (edit tyre_temp.ini beneath tyre_temp.py for that; generated after first app start)
improve wear display accuracy (use the inverse display option in tyre_temp.ini)
add an auto-hide mode for the tyre type label. In this mode, the tyre type will not be hidden if it is actually unknown. There are still the options to always hide it and never hide it (look at the .ini file)
Beiträge: 983
Registriert: 10.05.2007, 16:37
Wohnort: Ruhrpott

Re: [App] Danny Giusa's tyre temperatures

Beitragvon Friedel » 17.02.2017, 14:44

Wird nicht weiterentwickelt - nehmt proTyres als Alternative.

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